Obi-Wan Kenobi Series Overview

Obi-Wan Kenobi aired on May 27th, 2022 exclusively on Disney Plus, giving fans much needed closure after the trilogy that emerged in the late 90s. The show serves as a continuation of the 2005 film, Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith, and revolves around the failed friendship between Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker. In the films, Obi-Wan trained Anakin as his padawan under the direction of Qui-Gon Jinn. Qui-Gon wholeheartedly believed Anakin was "The Chosen One" who would bring balance to the force. Kenobi referred to Anakin as his brother and taught him the ways of The Force although the other masters believed he was too old to be trained. Unfortunately, in his quest to become a Jedi, Anakin becomes seduced by the Dark Side. Anakin gives in to feelings of rage, sadness, and inner turmoil after the death of his mother. Shortly after, Anakin begins to have premonitions pertaining to the death of his beloved Padme. Refusing to lose her like he lost his mother, he joins Senator Palpatine who promises the ability to prevent loved ones from dying. Under the command of the Sith, Anakin becomes Darth Vader. The first major directive implemented by Darth Sidious was Order 66; a stature identifying all Jedi as traitors, thus marking the annihilation of the Jedi altogether. Suddenly, the clone troopers assisting Jedi in battle begin to terminate them all. To make matters worse, Anakin makes his way to the Jedi Tower to carry out his new master's orders. Darth Vader executes one of his most deplorable acts; the killing of younglings or youth in Jedi training. Presently, in the Obi-Wan Kenobi series we learn about the demise of the younglings through the perspective of one who survived, Reva. Her thirst for revenge is the key driving force for the entire show. 

    Reva also referred to as Third Sister became a member of the Inquisitorius or a group with direct orders from Darth Vader to hunt the remaining Jedi. She seeks to gain favor in the eyes of Darth Vader by making Obi-Wan Kenobi her main target. In a Machiavellian approach, she demolishes anyone standing in her way by implementing fear on those who cross her path. Proving it is better to be feared than loved, she antagonizes all who dare support the Jedi, boldly going against the rest of the Inquisitorius at times. Like a young Darth Vader, Reva is blinded by fury that traces back to tremendous loss. A foil character that highlights the obscurity of Vader's past or the misguided path Anakin vanishes into. Both claim to hate Kenobi for distinct reasons. She is not able to overcome her feelings of blame for the loss of the other younglings. According to Reva, Anakin was supposed to protect the innocent youth not destroy them. Apparently, his actions were a reflection of his master’s teachings. Reva blames Kenobi for his shortcomings as a master and utilizes him to get closer to Darth Vader. For example, Reva kidnaps Princess Leia, Darth Vader's unclaimed daughter because she knew Obi-Wan would come out of hiding to retrieve her. Reva is absolutely cunning; playing mind tricks on young Leia, Jedi, and allies alike. Nevertheless, when it seems like the grip of the Dark Side is strong, Reva demonstrates her true heroism. She is able to rise above her internal wrath and survivor's guilt. In a completely unforeseen turn of events, she confronts Vader but miserably fails. Reva expresses her anger towards him only to discover, her intentions were known from the start. Vader preyed on her blinding anger to find Kenobi. Darth Vader strikes her with half of her double-bladed spinning lightsaber, destroying the dark part of her that resembled him. Reva becomes irate and desperately goes after young Luke, an easier target. However, Reva found herself in a dark parallel echoing her traumatizing experience as a youngling. She becomes morally conflicted and is unable to kill Luke. Kenobi assures her that showing mercy to this boy was a way of honoring her fellow fallen padawans. In that moment Reva is able to overcome the Dark Side unlike Darth Vader who succumbed to it. 

    Darth Vader strays from The Force to a point where his actions are as unrecognizable as his physical appearance. This series blatantly poses the question: At what point does it become too late for Anakin? Can an individual come back from The Dark Side? Why was Reva able to? Vader’s entire reasoning for abandoning the Jedi was to save Padme. In additionVader's hate towards Kenobi can be traced back to Padme. He believed Kenobi corrupted Padme against him, preventing her from ruling beside him. In the 2005 film, Padme gives birth to their children, Leia and Luke. Padme dies and Anakin discovers he killed her in his rage. The loss of his beloved sends Anakin on a rampage against Kenobi the scapegoat. In a heated battle, Kenobi and Anakin embark on the epic "Duel of Fates." Kenobi makes a compelling statement to Anakin about their brotherly bond and his role in the fate of the universe. Furthermore, Kenobi obtains the higher ground and Anakin is incinerated by the lava of Mustafar. This is the last time a physical form of Anakin is seen; he is in flames declaring his hate towards Kenobi. Anakin is rescued by his new master after which Kenobi vanishes. Kenobi takes Luke and Leia to distinct locations so Darth Vader will not find them. It is evident in the show that Kenobi struggles to overcome his failure as a mentor. Perhaps deep down he hoped a glimmer of inner good would resurface. After Kenobi discovers Anakin is still alive he still tries to reason with him. A painful realization for Kenobi and the spectator alike is when he faces Vader in the final episode. Kenobi is pushed to tears when he catches a glimpse of his friend Anakin's expression. However, Anakin is so far removed from Vader the same camaraderie is not reciprocated. The show solidifies the departure of Anakin who exists now only as a reincarnation within his children. In addition, a recurring scene containing a lightsaber exchange between master and apprentice carefully dissects the character of Anakin. Master Kenobi is collected, providing Anakin with valuable criticism regarding his approach to The Force. Nevertheless, Anakin viewed each word as a challenge he had to overcome. Early inclinations towards The Dark Side include coveting his master's abilities and blinding arrogance. In his master, Anakin saw all his shortcomings; demanding himself to surpass the knowledge bestowed upon him. Anakin could not fully accept who he was nor conform to the expectations of others. The boy who was once a slave from Tatooine died with Padme.       

The role of children throughout the films is examined since they are both at the center of the problem and the solution. For instance, Obi-Wan Kenobi lived a life of banishment and invisibility. Before Leia is captured, a young Jedi approaches Kenobi for help and he refuses. He claims he is not who he used to be and advices the youngster to relinquish the greater fight. The youngster dies and Kenobi tries to act unaffected. Kenobi appears deflated with his lightsaber buried in the middle of the desert from the lack of use. He lives in fear, believing his powers and The Force have abandoned him. He observed young Luke from a distance but dared not engage him. Nonetheless, he is compelled to go in search of Leia when she is captured. Kenobi is forced to face the past and everything that was lost. Leia and Luke come to symbolize the promise of a brighter day. They are a representation of Padme and the person Anakin once was. With Leia and Luke comes an opportunity for a brighter future. Preserving their lives is like an absolution for the loss of all those younglings. Tala also risks her life in the suicide mission to rescue Leia. When she posed as an Imperial officer she witnessed the premature loss of life, including children at one of her stations. She stood by and did nothing. Demonstrating her true caliber, Tala selflessly protects the ambushed Jedi with her own life. The individuals who witnessed the fallen era before the Empire finally recognize that the prophecy has not been truly fulfilled. 

    There is hope in the realization that Anakin transcends physical presence and indirectly influences the future. After all, Darth Vader does bring balance to The Force in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983) by defeating the Sith. Overall, the show provides a catapult that connects the 90s trilogy to the original trilogy set forth in 1977. The characterization is magnificent and authentic to the tradition set forth by George Lucas. For example, Joseph Campbell's interpretation of The Hero's Journey is depicted in Reva's growth. A parallel to Darth Vader and his duality with Anakin. The complexity and depth of these individuals is build upon, opening a bridge for future cinematic renditions. Moreover, I really enjoyed the hologram appearance of Qui-Gon Jinn, illustrating Kenobi is now on the right path. Qui-Gon is one with The Force which is reminiscent of old Kenobi and Yoda in Return of the Jedi. A vindication for the old Masters and the legacy of their teachings. 


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