Stranger Things: 20 Most Notable Characters

 Stranger Things: 20 Most Notable Characters

"Nance, seriously, you're gonna be so cool now, it's ridiculous. -- You better still hang out with me, that's all I'm saying."

Barbara Holland: Better known as "Barb." She appears in Season 1 as Nancy Wheeler's best friend. Barb is loyal, truthful, and authentic. After accompanying Nancy to a party at Steve Harrington's house she mysteriously vanishes. She was last seen at Steve's house, specifically by his pool. Jonathan was out in the woods investigating the disappearance of his little brother when he happened to take a picture of Barb next to a mysterious figure. As a result, Nancy and Jonathan begin investigating her disappearance together. Utilizing her telepathic and psychokinetic powers, Eleven finds Barb's dead body in the Upside Down. Eventually, it is discovered that Barb was brutally attacked by the Demogorgon. In season 2, Nancy and Jonathan are able to bring closure to Barb's family after Hawkins Lab takes some responsibility for her demise. Barb's death plays a key role in Nancy's amorous relationships and heroism. For instance, the guilt she felt over Barb's death plagued her romance with Steve Harrington. Also, Nancy becomes close to Jonathan when they are both searching for missing loved ones. On the other hand, losing Barb pushed Nancy to thoroughly seek for answers about the stranger occurrences at Hawkins. Nancy then embodies a lot of Barb's characteristics including autonomy and self-reliance. A dead vision of Barb makes a cameo in season 4 when Vecna preys on Nancy's guilt to place her in an alternate plane of consciousness.   

"You're going to be home by 8, listening to the Talking Heads and reading Vonnegut or something."

Nancy Wheeler: Nancy Wheeler is the older sister of Holly and Mike Wheeler, and daughter of Karen and Ted Wheeler. In season 1, she is Barb's best friend while crushing on Steve Harrington. Nancy is considered to be an intelligent, intuitive, and brave. She knows how to shoot a gun and displays academic excellence. Her life seems wholesome, Jonathan once pointed out she lives in a beautiful home and her parents are well off. He predicts she will also marry someone who is also well off and live at the end of a cul-de-sac. Early on, Dustin makes a comment about how she "used to be cool," but is taken over by her infatuation for Steve. However, after Barb's disappearance Nancy drifted apart from Steve. In season 2, Nancy is drinking with Steve at a party where she states they killed Barb. In addition, Nancy admits to the fallacy of their relationship which devastates Steve. Steve decides to break things off and Nancy focuses on finding closure for her best friend's passing. Barb's death gave Nancy a newfound sense of purpose and autonomy. She learns to better follow her intuition and becomes closer to her brother after season 1. 

    Moreover, Jonathan and Nancy team up; initially in season 1 to find Barb and Will. They both battle the Demogorgon with Steve's help. Then, in season 2 Nancy and Jonathan join Murray to expose Hawkins lab and bring closure to Barb's family. Consequently, Nancy and Jonathan develop feelings for one another. In season 3, Nancy works at the Hawkins Post with her boyfriend Jonathan as a photographer. Nancy is not respected or valued for her ideas, often ridiculed by her misogynistic bosses. Unapologetically, Nancy takes a stand by secretly following a lead about diseased rats in Hawkins. A nod to "Nancy Drew's," investigative nature, Nancy stops at nothing to obtain the answers she seeks. Throughout the seasons Nancy transform from a naïve girl into a symbol of feminism, overcoming the attitude towards women in the 80s. In season 4, Nancy is an editor for The Weekly Streak, the Hawkins High newspaper. Furthermore, she is seen with an "Emerson College" tee which is the college she gets accepted to. Her and Jonathan continue to have a long distance relationship although neither one of them could meet up for Spring Break. 

    Once again, strange occurrences are taking place at Hawkins; teens are being killed unexplainably and Nancy discovers her friends are in trouble. She teams up with Robin to unravel the truth about "Vecna's Curse." Her friendship with Robin did not hit off immediately. Nancy displays jealousy about Steve and Robin's closeness. Robin continues to reassure her they are the best of friends yet Nancy looks annoyed. Regardless, the female duo looks into the Victor Creel murder which echoes what is taking place at Hawkins. They dress up like college students and manage to cleverly sneak their way into a visit with him at the Pennhurst Mental Hospital. Nancy and Robin discover that music serves as a bridge to the mind, summoning key memories. This information ultimately saves Max the first time she encounters Vecna. Then, while they are exploring the gate at Lover's Lake Steve gets pulled to the Upside Down. Nancy is the first to dive after him, followed by Robin and Eddie. By this time, Nancy has been staring at Steve the entire night and others have made note of this. Nancy and the others help him fight Demobats and she is concerned about his wounds. As they are making their way back to Hawkins, Vecna takes Nancy to another realm where he reveals to her exactly who he is and what he has done. Nancy divulges this information to the rest of the team and they come up with a plan of attack. Robin and Nancy are joined by Steve to finish off Vecna in the Upside Down. Momentarily, it seems like they are about to die together. Nevertheless, the trio manages to attack Vecna when he is most vulnerable, but it is not the end of him. When they return to Hawkins Nancy is reunited with Jonathan and they embrace each other as if nothing has changed between them.  

“I may be a pretty shitty boyfriend, but turns out I’m actually a pretty damn good babysitter.”

Steve Harrington: Also known as "Steve the Hair Harrington," and "King Steve." In season 1, Steve is a part of the popular crowd along with his best friends Tommy and Carol. In the beginning, he is arrogant, superficial, and self-absorbed. Nevertheless, as time progresses Steve shows the most growth out of any other character. First, he dives into a relationship with Nancy Wheeler who is not very similar to him. He invites her to his house for a party which included Carol, Tommy, and Barb. It seems Steve only wants one thing with Nancy and once he obtains it, his true colors show. He falls asleep without a care for Nancy who makes her way home by herself. Steve acts like he has gotten another notch on his belt and word gets out thanks to his friends Carol and Tommy. Furthermore, Barb never makes it home after the party. Nancy becomes indignant about Barb's disappearance and wants to talk to the police. Steve urges her to stay quiet because he does not want to get in trouble with his parents and Nancy is simply disgusted. As a result, Nancy drifts away from Steve and focuses on finding clues leading to Barb. Stirring trouble, Carol confronts Jonathan about the pictures he took the night of Barb's disappearance including one of Nancy getting dressed. Tommy, Nancy, and Steve are also present, at which point Steve loses his cool. He starts shoving Jonathan, tears his pictures, and breaks his camera. Nancy notices the one of Barb so she picks up the pieces and keeps them. Next, she asks Jonathan about the night of Barb's disappearance and anything he might have seen. Thereafter, their investigation aligns and Steve becomes undeniably jealous. Carol and Tommy start a rumor about "Nancy The Slut Wheeler" and Steve does nothing. He immediately assumes the worse and believes these allegations because he saw Nancy with Jonathan. Jonathan defends Nancy and beats up Steve badly. Eventually, Steve attempts to help, joining Nancy and Jonathan in their battle against the Demogorgon. Steve and Nancy gift Jonathan a new camera for Christmas. Season 2 presents Nancy and Steve in a rocky relationship. Steve is ready to move on from the Hawkins drama and enjoy his adolescence yet Nancy does not want to let go of Barb's death. In a drunk moment, Nancy confesses her true feelings towards Steve so he decides to break it off. 

    Without the distractions of having a girlfriend, Steve is able to answer to his higher calling. He becomes the protector, big brother-type, and role model for Dustin and his friends. Steve ventures into tunnels adjacent to the Upside Down to protect the group. He valiantly puts his feelings aside and encourages Nancy to join Jonathan as they attempt to rescue his brother Will from the Mind Flayer. Steve's caretaker role is also highlighted by the character of Billy. Max's older stepbrother is mean, often threatening her with brute force and tries to hurt her friends. Steve stands up to him knowing he does not stand a chance because he has yet to win a fight. He is joined by the rest of the group and Max demands for Billy to leave them alone. In addition, Steve shares some of his "hair secrets" with Dustin so he can score a date for the Snow Ball dance. He ultimately thrives when the kids come to him for guidance, giving him newfound purpose. In season 3, he works at Scoops Ahoy with Robin and he sneaks the kids into the movie theater.

    Robin constantly teases him about his bad luck with girls. Steve hides behind fake confidence since he was unable to land a good job or go to college. When Dustin comes to him for help, he is all too eager to lend his assistance. Dustin accidentally intercepts a Russian communication and needs help decoding it. Eventually, Robin joins the duo which marks the initial three members of the Scoops Troop, Erica Sinclair later becoming the fourth member. Together, they infiltrate a Russian base and provide Hopper with key details to defeat the evildoers. Moreover, Steve becomes incredibly close to Robin. Robin comes out to Steve and they become "platonic" best friends. In season 4, they work at Family Video which becomes the basis of operations to find Eddie. Their friendship makes Nancy jealous although they constantly reassure her they are just friends. This time, the group member who is targeted by the monster is Max. Therefore, Steve does the brotherly thing to keep her safe. Once they are able to locate "The Watergate," or portal to the Upside Down, Steve heroically enters it first. However, once he returns to share his findings with the others he gets pulled back in. He fights the "Demobats lurking within, literally biting the head off of one. Shortly after, he is accompanied by Nancy, Robin, and Eddie. 

    Eddie is the first to point out that there is some residual chemistry between Steve and Nancy. She did not hesitate to go after Steve when he got dragged back to the Upside Down. Also, the way Nancy looked at him with smitten eyes suggests she is not fully over him. On their way to battle Vecna, Steve shares his dream with Nancy. Steve confesses he always wanted to see the country in an RV and have 6 children with someone. He asks Nancy what she thinks of this vision and although she protests about the number of children, she admits it sounds nice. Unfortunately, after their encounter with Vecna, Jonathan and Nancy reunite. Steve joins the relief efforts at Hawkins to provide assistance. He sees his friend Robin talking to her crush Vickie, and his expression contains genuine happiness. For Steve, joy comes from seeing his loved ones safe and content. He has yet to have a meaningful amorous relationship outside of Nancy. Robin once pointed out that they are like ying and yang because together, they would make the ideal person.  

"Hey Dingus! Your children are here again!"

Robin Buckley: Robin is in band, slightly socially awkward, and multilingual with knowledge of Spanish, Italian, and French. She is introduced in season 3 as Steve's coworker in Scoops Ahoy. Robin notably ridicules Steve and his inability to successfully score a decent date with the opposite sex. When Dustin asks Steve for help in decoding a Russian message, Robin offers her linguistic expertise. She not only decodes the message but also becomes one of the key characters to bring down the Russian involvement in Hawkins. Robin joins Steve, Dustin, and Erica in the "Scoops Troop." They all go beneath Starcourt Mall where Robin and Steve get caught and drugged. The duo undeniably bonds, embarking in the beginning of a platonic friendship. Steve and Robin are eventually rescued by Dustin and Erica. Once Robin and Steve wait to detoxify, their true feelings surface. Steve attempts to make an amorous confession to Robin, realizing she is quite a catch. However, Steve's revelation is followed by one of the most empowering moments in the entire season; Robin's coming out scene. Robin goes detail by detail, highlighting her first encounter with Steve in a class they once shared together. She had a crush on Tammy who barely noticed her, meanwhile Steve got all the attention regardless of his messy habits. Robin's confession only draws Steve closer to her since she has not officially come out to anyone else. 

    They help defeat the Mind Flayer with the rest of the group. Then, Robin and Steve get jobs at Family Video. Robin knows Steve has no problem talking to girls so she keeps close watch. Even so, they both continue to struggle with a lack of amorous relationships. Steve lacks commitment and Robin is too frantic and afraid to fully embrace her identity. Robin has a crush on fellow band member, Vickie yet does not have the courage to make any kind of romantic advancement. Fear of rejection seems like the biggest culprit behind Robin's hesitation. This comes as no surprise given the attitudes towards same-sex relationships in the 80s. Being "queer" in that era was seen as taboo and out of the potentially gay characters in the show, Robin is the only one to share this truth with someone. Steve insists there is reciprocity in Vickie's feelings but it is still not enough for Robin. At times Vickie stares at Robin and anticipates what she is about to say, almost as if there is some form of attraction. Robin is absolutely deflated when she sees Vickie kissing her boyfriend. 

    On the other hand, Nancy is clearly jealous about Robin and Steve's closeness although she will not admit it. When Robin and Nancy team up to gain intelligence about Vecna's curse, Nancy is clearly vexed by Robin's presence and lack of verbal filter. However as the season progresses, Robin and Steve continue to reassure Nancy they are only best of friends. Nancy and Robin cunningly sneak into the Pennhurst Mental Hospital to speak to Victor Creel about the supernatural occurrences of his time. Together they are able to obtain ground breaking intelligence that ultimately saves Max's life, taking them one step closer towards defeating Vecna and absolving Eddie. Robin is the thirdwheel with Nancy and Steve in their quest to halt the monster. After they think Vecna has been defeated a massive earthquake ensues at Hawkins. Robin and Steve join the relief efforts. Surprisingly, Robin is joined by Vickie who reveals her boyfriend broke up with her. Apparently he was turned off by the violent events in her hometown which gives Robin the much needed break to talk to her. Without being overtaken by anxiety or self-doubt, Robin is able to engage her crush in a genuine moment f enjoyment between the two.  

"You can't spell America without Erica."              

Erica Sinclair: She is the little sister of Lucas Sinclair. Erica briefly appears in the early seasons, mostly making fun of her older brother. Nevertheless, in season 3 her character further unravels. She was often seen with her friends at Starcourt Mall, sampling ice cream from Scoops Ahoy. The sibling dynamic between her and Lucas is entertaining and filled with playful tension. They are both extremely similar which makes her the perfect addition to his group of friends. For instance, she joins Dustin, Robin, and Steve in their journey through the Russian base underneath the mall, or what she called "operation child endangerment." Her intelligence and remarkable math skills make her an indispensable member of the group. She is also extremely knowledgeable in politics and enjoys My Little Pony. In season 4, she takes her brother's place in Hellfire Club under the Dungeons and Dragons name, Lady Apple. She is the lookout for Max and Lucas who are set as bait for Vecna. When she attempts to warn Lucas about Jason's arrival, she is tackled by his fellow teammate who threatens to break her arm.

"I don't want a letter. I don't need a letter. Just talk to me."

Lucas Sinclair: One of the original group members along with Dustin, Mike, and Will. In season 1 he has no filter, coming off as aggressive, judgmental, and condescending at times. He was skeptical about Eleven’s presence which put him at odds with Mike. However, once he realizes her strength and good intentions they are able to become friends. In season 2, him and Dustin have a crush on “Mad Max.” They invite her to join their group after being impressed by her video game skills. Max often called Lucas a “stalker,” and eventually become boyfriend and girlfriend. The dynamic of their relationship is funny and playful, serving as a contrast to the physical romance between Eleven and Mike. He is immature and says the wrong thing sometimes. For example, Lucas points out Max's new zit, he drinks the last of their water without offering her any, and says no one is hotter than Phoebe Cates while Max is present. By season 3, Max has already dumped Lucas 5 times yet he proudly tells Mike he has won her back every time. When Eleven dumps Mike, Lucas gives him tips on how to make it up to her. Nevertheless, after Billy’s passing, Max breaks it off with him. She seems uninterested in any form of friendship with him and seems to want to forget about the past completely. 

    Lucas is definitely the “the coolest” out of the group when they start high school. He joins the basketball team; sporting a number 8 on his jersey in honor of the late Kobe Bryant. He encourages Max, Dustin, and Mike to go to his games and support him. Lucas believes Mike and Dustin could potentially gain popularity through him. In addition, when Chrissy is terminated by Vecna, Lucas is forced to pick a group of friends. He can either be loyal to his fellow teammates or the Hellfire Club. This decision is a no brainer when Lucas discovers Max’s well-being is at risk. Lucas does everything he can to reconnect with Max by expressing to her how much he truly cares. He tries to keep her mind away from the possibility that she might die. When Max sets herself up as bait for Vecna Lucas is by her side. He is determined to bring her back to reality at any cost despite the interference from his fellow team member. Jason threatens to shoot Lucas after seeing Max levitating in the air. Lucas fights Jason and wins although it seems like it is too late. Vecna causes Max's legs and arms to snap, also leaving her in blindness. Lucas holds her and cries hysterically in one of the most heart wrenching scenes of the entire season. Max tells Lucas she does not want to die while Lucas is completely powerless. In fact, Max dies momentarily and Eleven brings her back. As a result, Max is in a coma with Lucas reading books to her. The love between Lucas and Max is extraordinary, ultimately reminding Max of a treasure hidden in plain sight. Lucas drops everything for her and refuses to give up hope.    

  "Being a freak is the best. I'm a freak."

Jonathan Byers: He is the oldest son of Joyce Byers and older brother of Will. In season 1, his little brother goes missing when he was supposed to be taking care of him. Jonathan conducts his own investigation, visiting his father to see if he ran away there. When a fake cadaver is planted in Will's place he believes it. His mom on the other hand, does not and looks for her own answers. He dismisses his mom's claims of hearing his brother in the walls of their house and carries on with funeral arrangements. Initially, Jonathan is convinced his mom is having a mental breakdown. Nonetheless, when his classmate Nancy shares similar claims involving the disappearance of her best friend, Jonathan begins to take his mom seriously.

    Jonathan and Nancy become close once they begin to search for their missing loved ones. Then, the popular kids start a rumor that Nancy is a slut because she has been spending a lot of time with Jonathan. As a result, Jonathan fights Steve for egging on these claims and gets arrested. Eventually, his mom and Hopper rescue his brother from the Upside Down. They reunite only to realize his brother has a connection to this alternate dimension. In season 2, Jonathan and Nancy work with Murray to expose Hawkins Lab as the ones responsible for Barb’s death. Also, they both help Joyce free his brother from the Mind Flayer. Nancy and Jonathan become involved in an amorous relationship right before they both get jobs at The Hawkins Post. Jonathan is doing photography while Nancy does errands, constantly being ridiculed by their bosses. Nancy gets tired of the abuse at work and decides to investigate a lead about rabid rats. At first, Jonathan is onboard with some hesitation. However, when Nancy is reprimanded by her sexist bosses Jonathan hesitates to lend his assistance. According to Jonathan, Nancy can afford the luxury of being fired unlike him who relies heavily on this pay. His family is not well of and Jonathan does not have many opportunities to help them. Of course, Nancy’s leads prove to be right and he apologizes to her for not being there to help the entire time. After they defeat the Mind Flayer, Jonathan and his family move to California. 

    In season 4, he befriends Argyle, with whom he spends most of his time smoking marijuana and talking about Nancy. Argyle is a foil to Jonathan highlighting many of his character traits. For example, Argyle is blunt, laid-back, and unapologetic. Meanwhile, Jonathan is habitually stressed out about Nancy and his family, ultimately unsure about himself. Jonathan and Nancy were both supposed to go to Emerson College but he got accepted into Lenora Hills Community College instead. He simply does not know how to break the news to her. For this reason, he refuses to visit her during Spring Break. Jonathan is convinced Nancy will relinquish her dreams and follow him to California when she finds out. 

    Prior to his friendship with Nancy, he was considered a spectator, a loner, and a pariah. If his little brother was not around he was alone. He would help Will cope with the constant arguing between their parents which led to their divorce. Jonathan introduced Will to his music and told him to be proud of who he is regardless of others' opinions. He helps bring Will's memory back after the Mind Flayer's attack and does not hesitate to fight the creatures lurking in the Upside Down. In the beginning of season 4, their brotherly bond does not seem as fortified. Nonetheless, Jonathan is the only one who picks up on Will's homosexuality. Will indirectly confesses his feelings towards Mike and Jonathan notices his distressed brother. Jonathan reminds Will of how much he loves him, and that he can come to him with anything . 

"Hold onto your butts brochachos."

Argyle: Introduced in season 4, becaming an immediate favorite. He is a self-proclaimed pothead and the definition of a Cali surfer boy, echoing Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. From his long hair to unique sense of style filled with clashing prints, Argyle stands out from the rest of the characters. He is Jonathan's best friend and they are both seen throughout the season with bloodshot eyes smoking marijuana. Argyle counters Jonathan's shyness with unfiltered remarks. In addition, Jonathan is courageous at the face of danger yet Argyle panics easily. His sense of humor can be both unfounded and filled with deep insight at times. Argyle drives a Volkswagen when delivering pizzas and uses it to help Jonathan and the others. For instance, he picks up Eleven, Mike, and Will after the incident with Angela at Rink-O-Mania. Also, when Colonel Sullivan's soldiers go to the Byers' house in search of Eleven, he provides the getaway vehicle. On their way to locate Eleven, the group stops by Suzie-Poo's (Dustin's girlfriend) house where he is starstruck by her sister, Eden. They both go inside his van and smoke marijuana together. Most importantly, Eleven has access to a sensory deprivation tank at another Surfer Boy pizza location in Nevada thanks to Argyle. This is the only reason Eleven is able to protect and rescue Max during the battle against Vecna.     

“Sometimes, I think it’s just scary, to open up like that — to say how you really feel, especially to people you care about the most.” 

Will Byers: Also known as Will The Wise; he is the younger brother of Jonathan and Joyce’s son. The entire first season of the show revolves around his disappearance. For a while, everyone assumes he is dead, but is actually stuck in the Upside Down. His friends Lucas, Mike, and Dustin come across Eleven when they are searching for him. Hopper and his mom also search for him even though a fake cadaver is planted in his place. He is able to communicate from the Upside Down through lights and radio transmission. Hawkins Lab does everything in their power to keep Will's whereabouts a secret. Still, the group is finally able to determine Will is alive when Eleven locates him through the use of a sensory deprivation tank. Joyce and Hopper bring him back from the dimension he was in but he was never the same. 

    In season 2, his connection with the Mind Flayer is unleashed. At times, his body would be physically present while his mind involuntarily traveled to the Upside Down. Will is alienated from his friends and his mom becomes overly protective of him. He goes to therapy in an effort to mentally heal. Nevertheless, a piece of this realm latched itself to him. Will serves as a spy for the Upside Down giving away intelligence about his friends plans. Those who are closest to Will remind him of his valuable place within the group. With the help of Jonathan and Nancy, Joyce removes the piece of the Mind Flayer latched to Will. In season 3, Will is removed from the action and spectates. His friends have girlfriends and they are no longer interested in playing Dungeons and Dragons with him. When this truth becomes painfully obvious to Will, another piece of him dies too. After his family moves to California, Mike grows even more distant from him. He hardly calls, meanwhile, his girlfriend Eleven has stacks of letters from him. Will is increasingly distraught, distracted, and unhappy. When Mike comes to visit his girlfriend, Will seems jealous. He is a third wheel to them and like Eleven, he is not fully honest with Mike. Will had been working on a drawing all Summer and he does not give it to Mike right away. It is speculated that this drawing contains spoilers for the next season and insight into Will's potential abilities. The connection between Will and the Upside Down is omnipresent and undeniable at this point. 

    Furthermore, Season 4 undeniably hints at Will's homosexuality and feelings towards Mike. First, the hero Will decides to write about is Alan Turing, an English computer genius, mathematician, scientist, and philosopher who was prosecuted for "homosexual acts." Also, a girl tries to play footsies with Will in class and he looks utterly confused. When Will finally gives the drawing he made to Mike, Will embarks onto a touching explanation about the contents of his art. During this heartfelt revelation, Will breaks down as he tries to hide his true emotions from Mike. He uses Eleven to deflect his amorous interest in Mike "The Heart" yet his brother picks up on it. Will is the first gay male in the show and like Robin and her crush Vickie, none of them have been able to officially come out. Throughout the seasons there are clues about Will's same sex preference. For example, when Will is missing Troy says he is in fairyland "happy and gay." In addition, Will the Wise tries to play a game of Dungeons and Dragons "free of girls" but the group is not interested. Because of this they argue and Mike says it is not his fault Will does not like girls. Perhaps, Mike picked up on Will's preference but never thought his feelings were directed towards him. Unfortunately, Will's silence was all too common for gay men in 80s. The perception of homosexuality was unfairly skewed towards males in this era. One of the reasons being AIDS, which peaked in the 80s specially within the gay community. Will looks troubled and disconnected until his brother offers him much needed support.   

"I need this phone and two weeks advance. And a pack of Camels."

Joyce Byers: She is the mother of Jonathan and Will Byers. Joyce was divorced from their father Lonnie. She works at the Melvald's General Store and was there the night of Will's disappearance. Out of all the parents, Joyce is the most intuitive and receptive to the needs of her children. When a fake cadaver was planted to support the claim that Will was dead Joyce refused to believe it so easily. She asked for proof about the identity of her son and concluded the body was a fake. Joyce noticed that Will was trying to communicate with her; first through the phone and then through the lights. Everyone believed she was losing her mind including Jonathan and her ex-husband. Joyce is the first adult outside of Hawkins Lab who encountered a Demogorgon. In addition, she is able to talk to Will when he is stuck "inside the walls." She often stood alone in her conviction and was unafraid to speak up on behalf of her children. 

    However, she confides in her high school friend Hopper who initiates an investigation with her. Hopper genuinely tried to help her and made no amorous advancements at first. Together they infiltrate Hawkins Lab and boldly travel to the Upside Down wearing protective gear. They find Will's body which is barely alive and bring it back to Hawkins. After this incident, Joyce become highly overprotective of Will. She notices once again that something is wrong with her son and he confesses everything to her. At the time, she is dating Bob, an old high school friend. They spend a lot of time together and their relationship looks promising. Bob tries to help Will cope with his inner turmoil and shares insight with Joyce. Joyce was uneasy about letting Bob know all the difficult details of her life and lives to regret this when Bob dies. He passes away like a true hero helping Joyce and the others escape from Hawkins Lab after being trapped. Unfortunately, Joyce witnesses Bob's gruesome death at the hands of a Demodog. This image continues to haunt her, specially when she looks at the drawing of Bob her youngest son drew. She is not look interested in diving into another relationship although Hopper is there with genuine friendship. 

    Hopper alleviates the pain of her loss with laughter and company. When he struggles to parent Eleven, Joyce gives him valuable tips to gain her trust. Their parental duties and need to protect the kids bond them together. Hopper invites Joyce to dinner so they can discuss his progress as a dad, making it clear it is in no way a date. However, when it seems like life is transitioning to normalcy, Joyce's magnets mysteriously fall. This occurrence causes her to miss dinner with Hopper altogether. Instead, she goes to Mr. Clark's house to obtain answers and demands for Hopper to take her back to Hawkins Lab. Joyce and Hopper quickly discover that these events are greater than Hawkins Lab. The unexplainable activity involves Russians who are weaponizing the creatures of the Upside Down. Joyce and Hopper find Murray who speaks Russian to better understand the supernatural events at Hawkins. They befriend a Russian scientist named Alexei and manage to infiltrate the Russian base located beneath Starcourt Mall. It seems like they are bringing down the entire operation but Hopper does not make it, or at least that is what it seems like. Everyone believes he has died heroically before they have the opportunity to grab dinner like they had planned. 

    As a result, Eleven goes to live with Joyce in their new home in California. Joyce becomes a telemarketer working from home, which further illustrates her protective nature towards the kids. Suddenly, she receives a package with postage from Russia. She gets in touch with Murray who instructs her what to do in case it is a bomb. After all, they discover it is a Russian doll with a crack on it. Joyce carefully opens it and finds a ransom note for Hopper. Murray comes to California and they both contact the phone number on the letter. The individual she talks to assures her that Hopper is alive and he can bring them together. Joyce does not hesitate to travel to Alaska with Murray and give $40,000 in exchange for Hopper. Upon arrival, Murray and Joyce are tricked by the middleman in the transaction. Nevertheless, Joyce and Murray outsmart him and regain the upper hand. Eventually, Joyce reunites with Hopper and she is distressed by his appearance. He is thin and covered in scars, proof of all he endured to stay alive. They imagine their date together but their display of affection is quickly put on hold. Hopper, Joyce, and Murray are reluctant to return to the jail they had escaped from to gain access to the gate located there. The duo comes up with a plan to help the kids in Hawkins all the way from Russia by attacking the Demogorgon. At the end they reunite with the kids at Hawkins and are inseparable. The wait for their reunion created a lot of anticipation for this couple. 

"I hope it doesn't suck."

Bob Newby: Introduced in season 2 as Joyce Byers's boyfriend and manager of the local Radio Shack. He founded the Hawkins Middle AV Club and tried to influence Will through common interests. Joyce trusted him with the burdensome truth pertaining to the Upside Down. He accompanied her and the others to Hawkins Lab where they became trapped by Demodogs invading the town through tunnels. Bob used his ingenious computer skills to disable the security system and help everyone escape. Unfortunately, he was overtaken by Demodogs in front of Joyce before he could exit the building. His loss affected Joyce and the rest of the group. If it was not for his help, everyone would have perished.   

"I'm not exactly an expert in parenting. But for what little it's worth, I think you did the right thing. The responsible thing. Your children, bless their mischievous souls, they like to get involved. This way, what? They play too much Nintendo, eat too much junk food, smoke some ganja, pound some beers, experiment sexually. I mean really, what's the worst that can happen?"

Murray Bauman: He is a former journalist hired by Barb's parents to investigate her disappearance. Murray suspects there is a Russian invasion or outlandish extraterrestrial activity taking place at Hawkins. He is aware of the short-haired girl sighted at Hawkins yet Hopper dismisses his claims. Then, Nancy and Jonathan go to his house and explain to him the details of Barb's death and involvement of Hawkins Lab. Together they gather evidence to expose them with a diluted version of what actually happened. Murray is incredibly observant, noticing Nancy and Jonathan's feelings before they were a couple. His ability to psychoanalyze others is spot on. In season 3, he also comments on Joyce and Hopper's undeniable feelings for one another when they go to him for help. Hopper and Joyce take Alexei, the Russian scientist to him so he can translate what he is saying. Together they enter the Russian base located beneath Starcourt Mall. He helps them determine that the Russians have created a gate to the Upside Down and plan to weaponize the creatures residing within. In their efforts to stop the Russians Alexei dies and Murray is deeply moved by this loss. He helps Hopper and Joyce navigate through the underground base with his knowledge of the Russian language. However, when their mission seems to be complete, Hopper goes missing.
    Everyone believes he is dead until Joyce receives an anonymous ransom note from Russia. Murray assists Joyce in determining the origin of this letter and accompanies her to Alaska to make the exchange for Hopper. Upon arriving, they meet the middleman, Yuri, who tries to scam them by keeping the money without reuniting them with Hopper. Murray overpowers Yuri with his newly acquired martial arts skills and takes his place. Once they arrive at Hopper's location, the guards keeping him hostage notice that this version of Yuri is way more eccentric and wild than they had heard. Regardless, Murray is able to fool them with his Russian expertise and acting skills. Overall, Murray's presence is incredibly entertaining and raw.   

"I am on a curiosity voyage, and I need my paddles to travel."

Dustin Henderson: Also known as Dusty-bun. He is one of the original party members and the group heavily relies on his imagination, intelligence, and geeky ways. Dustin always finds a pop culture reference, myth, or Dungeons and Dragons theory to explain whatever predicament they are in. His mind clearly has no bounds and the others thrive because of Dustin's analytical thinking. In season 1, he helps expand the theory of the Demogorgon and his compass knowledge allows them locate the gate leading to it. Dustin often mixes science and fiction to find a solution for the present. He compares Eleven to Professor X from Marvel's X-Men. Furthermore, he asks Mr. Clark for help on creating a sensory deprivation tank so Eleven can manifest her abilities. Dustin also assists Lucas and Mike with settling their dispute involving "The Weirdo" by reminding them of their essential roles in the party. In season 2, Dustin's loyalties begin to expand beyond the original group members. 

    For example, Dustin becomes attached to a young Demogorgon creature or "Demodog" he names Dart (short for Dartanyan). The creature quickly grows and exhibits traits of the Demogorgon; it cannot stand the sunlight and it is attracted to meat and flesh since it eats Dustin's cat. Once Dustin discovers the true vicious nature of Dart he asks Steve to help him capture it. By then, Dart has already escaped through hidden tunnels leading towards the Upside Down. Dustin encounters it while they are in the tunnels providing assistance to a party member. For a brief moment Dart demonstrates loyalty to Dustin when he disobeys his orders from the Mind Flayer. Dart dies in the tunnels when his connection to the Mind Flayer is disrupted. After being in the tunnels together, Dustin develops a friendship with Steve who gives him tips on "how to be cool." Steve introduces him to Farrah Fawcett products so his hair can look spectacular for the Snow Ball dance. In season 3, Dustin returns from Camp Nowhere and Steve seems genuinely happy to see him. 

    Dustin tells everyone he met his girlfriend Suzie at Camp Nowhere and that she is hotter than Phoebe Cates. In actuality, she is a genius with hacker capabilities. He creates "Cerebro" (another reference to X-Men's Professor X) or the radio communication tower placed at the highest point in Hawkins so he can get in touch with Suzie-Poo. However, Cerebro comes to play a significant role in their battle against the Russians weaponizing the Upside Down. First, Dustin tries to reach Suzie yet is unsuccessful. Instead, he accidentally intercepts a coded Russian message and goes to Steve for help. Steve and Dustin work diligently in the backroom of Scoops Ahoy to no avail. Fortunately, Robin overhears and lends her musically inclined ears to decode the communication. This mission marks the beginning of another group Dustin joins, the Scoops Troop; consisting of Robin, Steve, Dustin, and Erica. Together they uncover a Russian base underneath Starcourt Mall responsible for opening another gate to the Upside Down. After a first hand experience underground, Dustin uses Cerebro to guide Hopper, Joyce, and Murray. Dustin's girlfriend offers aid by sharing Planck's Constant or a numerical sequence that relates mass to frequency. Nevertheless, before saving the day she makes Dustin sing "Never Ending Story" which gets broadcasted through the radio communication for all their friends to hear. 

    In season 4, Dustin is in high school and joins the Dungeons and Dragons group, Hellfire Club. He develops a friendship with the group's leader Eddie Munson and Steve gets jealous. Dustin believes and protects Eddie when he is wrongfully accused of killing Chrissy. It cannot be ignored that Eddie is the first older male Dustin looks up to who is like him. In their battle against Vecna Dustin is paired off with Eddie and they both go to the Upside Down. They are supposed to be a distraction for the Demobats but Eddie becomes overpowered by them. Eddie saves Dustin after which they both share one of the most touching moments in the entire series. The duo says goodbye to each other and Eddie tells Dustin to lead "the sheep" for him. After, Dustin has the difficult task of letting Eddie's uncle know Eddie has passed away. He is truly moved to tears by the devastating loss of Eddie. It will be fascinating to see how Dustin will take on the mantle of leading Hellfire Club. This might bring out an edgier side to this friendly and witty character. 

"Planck's Constant Is 6.62607004."

Susie Bingham:  Also known as Suzie-Poo, lives in Salt Lake City, Utah and belongs to an eccentric Mormon family. Suzie and Dustin's friendship develops into a relationship after meeting at Camp Nowhere. She is a technology and science genius, saving the day with sheer intellect. At the end of season 3, she reveals Planck's Constant to Dustin, but not before singing "Never Ending Story" through a radio communication everyone was listening to. Furthermore, in season 4 she changes Dustin grade for Latin class. Immediately she is conflicted about her actions and confesses the truth to her father. As a result he removes her computer and takes it to his study. Shortly after, Argyle, Mike, Will, and Jonathan pay a visit to her house where we catch a glimpse of her family. Regardless of being previously conflicted, Susie sneaks into her dad's study to use her computer. She unknowingly helps the group find Eleven's coordinate location. Suzie may be a minor character but she has a huge role on the advancement of the story by indirectly solving conflict.    

"If anyone asks where I am, I've left the country."

Mike Wheeler: One of the original group members. In their search for Will they come across Eleven and he decides to keep her in his basement without telling his parents or his older sister Nancy. He is overprotective of Eleven and defends her from Lucas who thinks she is nothing more than a "weirdo." Lucas thinks she is a distraction from their mission of finding Will. Nevertheless, Eleven proves to be an asset to the group and reciprocates Mike's protective nature. She comes to the rescue during Mike's moments of need against bullies Troy and James. The first time, Troy and James are laughing about Will's mysterious death during an assembly commemorating him. Mike gets upset and decides to confront them although he does not stand a chance against them. Eleven makes Troy pee his pants with her mind. Everyone at the assembly stares and laughs which only fuels the fire. In another instance, Troy and James are bullying Dustin and Mike, getting extremely out of line. Troy makes a fatal threat against Dustin and Mike is reluctant to jump off the edge of a cliff. Suddenly, Mike begins to levitate in the air and Eleven appears. She breaks Troy's arm and he runs away in fear. Then, while they are being chased by the people from Hawkins Lab she telepathically throws a car at them so they can make a get away. 
    Mike has a moment of admiration for Eleven when she borrows his sister's clothes and wig. He tells her that she looks "Pretty...good," to downplay his feelings in front of the others. In a similar scene Eleven is standing in front of the mirror except the wig is missing. Mike reassures her that she is pretty without it and truly does not need it. In season 2, Mike and Eleven are separated. Eleven is in hiding and cannot reveal her location to him. Mike taps into the same radio frequency on a daily basis with the hope that Eleven will answer. Nonetheless, his efforts prove to be pointless. Because of Eleven's absence, Mike and Will's friendship rekindles. Will has a hard time transitioning into normalcy after being trapped in the Upside Down and Mike picks up on this. Not only does will open up to Mike about the visions he is having, but when the Mind Flayer tries to use Will as a vessel Mike helps him remember who he is. In addition, Mike was present when they were trapped in Hawkins Lab and figures out Will was a spy for the Upside Down. At the end of season 2, Eleven returns to save everyone and Mike discovers where she had been all this time. Hopper kept her hidden and did not allow her to communicate with anyone, not even Mike. She heard every single one of his messages and embraces him like never before. Mike starts cussing at Hopper and expresses anger towards him. One of the most memorable scenes between Mike and Eleven is when they go to the Snow Ball dance together. They both look stunning as they dance together and hold each other.
    In season 3, the physical displays of affection continue between this smitten couple. Eleven and Mike hang out in her room constantly kissing. They ditch their friends and lie so they can get alone time. Mike is absolutely disrespectful towards Hopper and shows no regard for the rules he tries to implement as Eleven's guardian. Hopper gets fed up with Mike's antics and threatens him to stay away from Eleven. As a result, Mike lies to Eleven and she quickly discovers this with the aid of Max. Mike clearly has no idea what he is doing so Lucas tries to take him under his wing. They go to the mall to buy a gift for Eleven yet Mike cannot afford anything. Soon after, Eleven dumps him and he retreats with his friends. Lucas and Mike continue to stress about getting their girlfriends back while Will wants to play Dungeons and Dragons. This causes an argument amongst the group so Will storms out. In this exchange, Will complains to Mike about his lack of care towards their friendship because all he cares about is Eleven. 
    Mike tells Will it is not his fault he does not like girls and it is obvious that it is too late to take that statement back. This comment becomes one of the clues towards Will's potential homosexuality. Mike had picked up on it without realizing some of those feelings were directed at him. In season 4, this possibility is built upon when Mike goes to California to visit. Will thinks they are about to reconnect and catch up since he did not call him while he was away. To Will's surprise, Mike's attention is plastered on Eleven and Will is moping around like a third wheel. Eleven has tons of letters from Mike who is made to believe she is popular and happy.  Will indirectly confesses his admiration towards Mike by using Eleven as a representation of himself. However, Mike does not completely grasp Will's revelation. Mike is much too preoccupied about the status of his relationship with Eleven. He realizes the seriousness of his feelings towards her and wonders if she needs him as much as he needs her.  Mike goes through great lengths and travels far to find Eleven. When they are both in each other's presence they are able to confess just how much they mean to each.      

"Dear Billy, I don't know if you can even hear this. Ever since you've left, everything's been, a total disaster."

Max Mayfield: She is introduced in season 2 as Billy's younger stepsister. Billy and Max clearly do not get along and have constant moments of arguing. He is forced to look after Max and drive her places. In addition, she rides a skateboard and has incredible video game skills. Dustin and Lucas become aware of her presence when she takes on the title of Dig Dug champion under the username "Mad Max." Both Dustin and Lucas had a crush on her and continue to observe in awe. She is aware of their presence and mockingly calls them stalkers. They invite her to join their party and she accepts by going trick or treating with them. Max is dressed like Michael Myers while the group is wearing Ghostbusters costumes. As time progresses, Lucas and Max become close. She kept being left out of "Demogorgon business" but Lucas fills her in once she accepts the risk. Max did not believe Lucas's claims until she got to see it for herself. Furthermore, Billy did not like her spending time with Lucas and the others. When he found her with them he violently began to beat down Steve and was targeting Lucas next. Nevertheless, Max fearlessly stands up to him and he finally backs off. Her relationship with Lucas materializes when they go to the Snow Ball dance together. 

    In season 3 we get a closer look into her relationship with Lucas. The juxtaposition of Max and Lucas vs. Eleven and Mike creates fun contrast between the two sets of relationships. For example, Max admires the romance between Mike and Eleven which manifested in a physical manner. Eleven and Mike often ran off alone and got caught kissing by Hopper. However, Max and Lucas spend more time with their friends. They hung out at the mall and watched Dustin set up Cerebro. Lucas would sometimes say the wrong things and Max had already dumped him 5 times. Reagrdless, Lucas took pride in winning her back every time. There is a moment when Eleven catches Mike lying so she goes to Max for advice. Max warns Eleven that boyfriends lie all the time so she must stand her ground to be taken seriously. This leads to a blossoming friendship between the two. 

    Max demonstrates to Eleven "there is more to life than stupid boys." Together they go shopping at Starcourt Mall and she encourages Eleven to develop a sense of self outside of what the others think. They have their first sleepover where Max shows Eleven her Wonder Woman comics, introduces her to Ralph Macchio, and spy on the boys with Eleven's powers. At first, Eleven finds entertaining details about Mike and Lucas. Things get weird fast when Eleven catches Billy acting suspiciously. Max thinks it is just Billy hooking up with girls but eventually they discover his involvement with the Mind Flayer. During a heated battle against Eleven, Billy sacrifices himself. He succumbs to the monster and apologizes to Max who stands watching. She is mortified by her lack of action and relives that moment over and over. 

    In season 3 her guilt fully manifests in the form of isolation. Max stops hanging out with the rest of the party, walking around with her Walkman, listening to Kate Bush. She visits the school therapist yet does not fully open up to her. Apparently, her mom split up with Billy's dad and moved into a trailer park. Max's grades slip while suffering with intense headaches and recurring nightmares about Billy. Soon, she begins to have unexplainable visions and nose bleeds. Nonetheless, Max is not the only one going through these morbid experiences. Max catches Chrissy having a breakdown in the girls' restroom. When she tries to offer Chrissy help she refuses and storms out of the restroom. Max also sees Chrissy exiting the therapist's office with similar symptoms. Chrissy dies in Eddie Munson's trailer located in the same trailer park that Max lives in. Initially, Max is convinced Eddie killed Chrissy. She goes to see Dustin first, Eddie's close friend, and shares with him what she witnessed. Dustin is certain Eddie would not commit such an act. Therefore, they reassemble the group and begin to search for answers. With the help of Robin and Steve they determine Eddie's location. The group interrogates Eddie and he tells them Chrissy was killed by something paranormal. They fill him in on the supernatural activity that had been taking place in Hawkins the previous years. After seeing the trends and patterns in Vecna's killings, Max determines she is one of his next victims. 

    Lucas reaches out to the group and Max is able to convince him to join them. She confesses to him she is in danger and Lucas extends his friendship to her once again. He tells her that he is there for any of her needs and apologizes for not trying harder when she pushed everyone away. The group tries to remain optimistic and promise to let nothing bad happen to her. Regardless, Max believes she will soon die so she writes letters to all her loved ones. She reveals everything she could not utter with words including a heartfelt letter to Billy. This confession takes a huge toll on her and Vecna uses this vulnerability as an opportunity to attack. When it seems like Vecna has a grip on her, Nancy and Robin find an ingenious solution. They determine one's favorite song can serve as a lifeline against the monster, grounding the person back to reality. As a result, Lucas, Dustin, and Steve find her favorite song which is Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill," to remind her everything is going on in her head. This plan works and she has this song on repeat thereafter. The group embarks on what seems like a suicide mission to take down Vecna. Everyone has an assigned position and Max volunteers as the bait. Lucas keeps watch while she provokes Vecna, luring him in. Simultaneously, Eleven is able to travel to the Upside Down with the use of a sensory deprivation tank to protect Max. Max hides in happy memories to evade Vecna. Suddenly, Vecna takes hold of her and Lucas is unable to bring her back. When their plan seems to be faltering, Eleven jumps in to protect her friend. She holds onto all the beautiful moments of their friendship as a remider to not let go. Max momentarily dies yet Eleven revives her. She is left blind, with broken arms and legs, in a medical coma. Lucas continues to be by her side even when Eleven physically arrives. The fact that Max is still breathing after all that is nothing less than a miracle.      

“Don't take it too hard man, pretty boy like you doesn't have anything to worry about. Plenty of bitches in the sea.”
Billy Hargrove: Introduced in season 2 as Max's older stepbrother. His dad physically and verbally abused him and his mom left when he was just a young boy. As a result, he treated Max poorly and often expressed disdain for leaving California and moving to Hawkins. Furthermore, he was a foil to Steve who exhibited admirable "big brother" characteristics, keeping Max and her friends safe. Overall, Billy was self-absorbed and would get caught in front of the mirror by his father. The girls at Hawkins High thought of him as attractive, including Mrs. Wheeler or Nancy's mom. He reciprocated this infatuation which clearly stemmed from his mom's abandonment. In season 3, Billy becomes a lifeguard at the public pool, yelling obscenities at kids who broke the rules. When it was his turn to take watch, Mrs. Wheeler and a few of the older women became mesmerized. Billy tried to invite Mrs. Wheeler to take private lessons at a hotel pool but he never makes it to their date. Instead, he is overtaken by the Mind Flayer who utilizes him as a vessel for his scheme. When Mrs. Wheeler apologizes for not making it to their meeting either Billy imagines slaughtering her. He decides to break it off almost as a way of protecting her from what could happen. 
    Billy "recruits" countless victims for his master, eventually facing off against Eleven and her friends. He is about to destroy Eleven when she mages to tap into one of his happy memories. In this vision, Billy is a boy enjoying life with his mom by the beach. This thought rekindles his humanity and leads him to sacrifice himself for the kids. The monster kills him and in his final moments, he apologizes to his sister Max. Unfortunately, no one knows he died heroically. His demise is covered up by the story of "the Starcourt Mall fire." He is one of the few characters in the series who are able to make the transition from villain to hero. His actions move Max's very being and she is not the same after his passing. Guilt continues to consume her since she stood watching as Billy was annihilated. In season 4, she isolates herself from everyone and is clearly depressed. Lucas invites her to his basketball games, Dustin asks her to join their D & D club, yet she refuses. Her mom and Billy's father broke up so Max and her mom move to a trailer park. Vecna preys on Max's guilt to take over her mind. She goes to Billy's grave with a letter containing her deepest feelings and reads it to him. Then, Vecna poses as Billy and says untrue and painful things to her.    

"Chrissy, this is for you."

Eddie Munson: Eddie was introduced in season 4 and became an immediate favorite. His visage consisted of heavy metal, long hair, and rad tattoos. He was a drug dealer and the leader of the Dungeons and Dragons group, Hellfire Club. Although Dustin and Mike were both members of his group, he was much closer to Dustin. He was considered a "freak" by those who did not know him personally and was accused of being a cult leader. Eddie enjoyed antagonizing the school with his antics blaming conformity as the real problem for the kids of his generation. His most notable customer was Chrissy. At her request, they met up in the woods so she can purchase marijuana from. She was afraid of him but Eddie did everything to make her feel comfortable. Eddie joked around with Chrissy and reminded her of who he was when he was younger. She asks him if he ever felt like he is losing his mind to which he replies yes, "on a daily basis." They both laughed together in a candid exchange that transcended their "high school labels." Nevertheless, Chrissy asks Eddie for stronger drugs so they both make their way to his trailer after a heated Dungeons and Dragons match. While they are there, Chrissy begins to have a mental episode and Eddie is powerless to help. She appears catatonic and Eddie tries to snap her back into reality to no avail. Suddenly she starts levitating in the air; her legs and arms snap and her eyes are sucked from within. Eddie is overtaken by immense fear and runs away in his van. 

    He hides at his drug dealer's house until Dustin. Max, Robin, and Steve find him. They tell that he is the primary suspect of Chrissy's death and becomes the target of the town because he is a "freak." Dustin and his uncle knew he did not kill Chrissy since they had a real connection to him. On the other hand, Jason turns the entire town against him and begins a man hunt in Chrissy's honor. Eddie also finds a way to honor Chrissy but not before getting closer to the rest of the group. When Steve gets pulled into the Upside Down, Eddie reluctantly follows Robin and Nancy. Eddie shamefully admits he was about to run away again yet could not do so after Robin and Nancy heroically ran after Steve. They manage to rescue Steve, and Eddie makes observations about the group. For instance, he advices Steve to get Nancy back because she clearly still cares about him. In addition, they both bond over Dustin; revealing to Steve that Dustin truly looks up to him. He admires Steve's bravery and bold fighting skills. When the group conjures a plan to face Vecna, Eddie teams up with Dustin. The duo is supposed to serve as a distraction to the Demobats to help the others gain an advantage against Vecna. At this time, Eddie embarks on the most metal concert ever; rocking out with his guitar to the Metallica hit "Master of Puppets." He ingeniously covers this song after dedicating it to Chrissy. Dustin watches him in awe as they wait for the Demobats to arrive. Together they race into a fortified version of Eddie's trailer and it seems like they are quickly getting overpowered. Dustin runs back to Hawkins and Eddie decides he will not run this time. He selflessly storms towards the hundreds of bats and faces them head on. Unfortunately, Eddie succumbs and Dustin reaches him just in time to share final words. Eddie is proud because he did not run and can go as a hero. He tells Dustin to watch over "the sheep" and that he loves him. Dustin is devastated and takes his guitar pick back with him. When Dustin returns to Hawkins he has the difficult task of telling the news to Eddie's uncle. No one knows of Eddie's heroism and even after he is dead, Hawkins continues to demonize him. His missing flyer was vandalized and there was no funeral for him. The town was unable to see past his countercultural ways, accusing him of being the culprit of all the attacks.            

    Meanwhile everyone was left baffled by his death, there was ultimately no better fate for Eddie. If he would have returned to Hawkins, he would have been imprisoned or killed by the angry inhabitants of the town. Fans hope he is brought back like Hopper and Max since a dead body did not appear afterwards.  

"Joyce says time is funny like that. Emotions can make it speed up or slow down. We are all time travelers if you think about it."

Eleven: Also known as Elle and Jane. Loves Eggo waffles. Eleven was a part of a group of kids that Papa or Brenner experimented on. He drew from 001's powers to create a weapon that was much stronger than him. Once Eleven unlocked her psychokinetic abilities she ran away from Hawkins Lab. Eleven was a product of Brenner and Hawkins Lab after being snatched away from her mother. Brenner conducted electroshock therapy on Eleven's mom and destroyed her ability to articulate or communicate. She became a vegetable, repeating key phrases from her past while trapped in her own mind. Eleven's mom also possessed special abilities like her daughter and eventually she is able to show Eleven what happened. 

    After running away Lab from Hawkins the first individuals she encounters are Mike, Dustin, and Lucas. They were out looking for their missing friend Will so Mike decides to bring her back to his house. He does not to tell his mom she is sleeping over and the others immediately assume Mike has a crush. Eleven stands out because she has short boyish hair and can barely speak. The next day, Mike tells Eleven to knock on the door and pretend they do not know each other so his mom can help her go back to where she came from. However, Eleven indicates that there are bad men after her who want to kill her. Eleven learns a lot from Mike as she explores his house and the things inside. In the beginning, she kept the group from finding the gate to the Upside Down because she feared what lied within it.  Because of this, Lucas does not fully trust her but this changes when she uses her superpowers to protect them. They quickly discovered she was the perfect weapon to help them defeat the Demogorgon and get their friend back. When she fights against it in season 1, she briefly becomes trapped in the Upside Down. Mike and the others believe she was obliterated, vanishing without a trace. Nevertheless, Hopper takes her in and keeps her hidden. Hopper becomes her caretaker; showing her how to speak and attempts to get her a new identity. During this time Mike diligently tries to communicate with her through the radio. 

    Eleven discovers documents in Hopper's cabin pertaining to her mom. She is disappointed with Hopper for never telling her about it. Therefore, she becomes restless and desperately escapes when he is not around. Eleven is determined to visit her mom in search of answers. Upon arriving she meets her aunt who reveals the details of her past. Eleven digs deeper by communicating with her mom telepathically. To Eleven's surprise, her aunt betrays her by calling Hawkins Lab and revealing her location. Once Eleven flees she comes across her sister, 008. Eleven's sister is part of a group of social outcasts who steal to survive. 008 uses her power of inducing mental hallucinations to survive in the streets. She teaches Eleven how to better channel her anger so she can utilize her powers more efficiently. When Eleven returns to Hawkins, she is fearless and unapologetic about herself. She saves everyone from a Demodog and Mike is utterly surprised to see her. Not only does she have a new edgy style but everyone thought she was dead. Hopper tells Mike it is his fault Eleven was unable to talk to him. Although Mike is angry he is overwhelmed with happiness. When Eleven and Hopper head out to close the gate, they have a father and daughter talk. She tells him everything that happened and they are able to reconcile. 

    In season 3, Mike and Eleven are absolutely open about their relationship. As if they are making up for lost time they are carefree about displaying affection and spending time together. This drives Hopper insane, trying his best to set healthy boundaries between the two. In a moment of desperation, Hopper threatens Mike to keep him away from Eleven. Mike is afraid of Hopper's demands so he lies to Eleven. They momentarily drift apart and Mike does everything in his power to regain her trust. Eleven cannot fully grasp Mike's actions and decides to turn to Max for advice. This marks the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Max gives Eleven tips about boys and shows her how fun it is to be a girl. They go to the mall together and try on different clothes so Eleven can determine her unique sense of self. Max thinks there is nothing wrong with Eleven using her abilities for entertainment. They play a game of spying on different people like their ex-boyfriends. The next individual Eleven spies on is Billy and what she discovers is no game. He is acting suspiciously and they soon determine he is being used as a vessel by the Mind Flayer. Eleven fights against Billy and helps him realize his humanity. She taps into a memory filled with joy beside his mom and he halts his attack against the group. Unfortunately, he is killed by the monster and Max lives to regret it. After battling the creature Eleven loses her powers and her father. Because everyone believes Hopper is dead, Eleven moves to California with the Byers family.

    While Eleven is there she is constantly being bullied. Her peers do not accept her and ridicule her on a daily basis. Nonetheless, she writes letters to Mike telling him her life is great and has many friends. When he comes to visit her during Spring Break she takes him to Rink-O-Mania where she comes across Angela and her gang. Mike thinks they are her friends but they do a cruel prank to Eleven in front of everyone. Eleven has no powers and in a frantic moment she grabs a roller skate, striking Angela on the face. Mike is upset with Eleven and they get into their first "serious" argument. At first it seems like Eleven got away with it yet shortly after the cops come looking for her. Eleven and Mike do not have a chance to reconcile before she is taken away. She is in custody, being transported to the police station when the car is halted by Dr. Owens's people. They persuade Eleven to go with them because she is in danger. For instance, the government thinks Eleven is responsible for Vecna's attacks and they are using full force to stop her. However, they do not know she does not posses special powers anymore. 

    When she arrives at Dr. Owens's facility she reunites with Papa or Brenner. Immediately she does not trust him and wants to go but Dr. Owens assures her they are not the bad guys. They want to help Eleven regain her abilities by summoning memories of the past. Unfortunately, the memory she has to face makes Eleven think she is nothing more than a monster. In this recollection she is little and engaged in training to develop her powers. She is influenced by an employee who later identifies as 001. He tries to help her escape after she is attacked by fellow patients. But in spite of that, she liberates him and he kills everyone instead. Eleven is disgusted by his actions and annihilates him. As a result, he is banished to the Upside Down where he becomes Vecna. After fully facing this memory Eleven gets her powers back. The first thing she does is figure out if her friends are safe. Once she realizes they are in danger Eleven wants to help them. Brenner attempts to confine her only to be killed my military personnel. As Eleven defends herself she is reunited with Mike, Will, Jonathan, and Argyle who come in search of her. Unfortunately, there is no time for Eleven to join the others at Hawkins in their valiant battle against Vecna. They are going to the Upside Down to kill him so Eleven plans to do the same. Argyle helps her find a sensory deprivation tank and she is present when Max attempts to lure Vecna. Eleven follows Max through her memories and does her best to protect her. When it seems like Vecna killed Max, Eleven miraculously brings her back as she summons all the times they shared together. At the end, Eleven reunites with her friends and discovers Hopper is still alive.

"Keep on growing up, kid. Don't let me stop you. Make mistakes, learn from 'em, and when life hurts you, because it will, remember the hurt. The hurt is good. It means you're out of that cave. But, please, if you don't mind, for the sake of your poor old dad, keep the door open three inches."

Jim Hopper:  Hopper was the chief of police in Hawkins. He was once married to a woman named Diane and they had a daughter named Sara. Unfortunately, Sara suffered with childhood cancer and after she passed away, Hopper and Diane divorced. Hopper had hope that they would get back together yet that never materialized. Initially he did not care much about life. He would go through the motions at work, drink, and hook up with different women, disregarding their feelings. Nevertheless, when his old high school friend Joyce reaches out to him about her missing son, he is compelled to help. Helping Joyce find her son becomes the center of his world as if he is given a shot at redemption with his own child. He goes out of his way to help Joyce and his coworkers begin to accuse him of getting amorously involved with her. The disappearance of Joyce's son unraveled Hopper to his true heroic self. At first, Hawkins Lab tries to make it seem like Will is dead and they plant a fake body to validate this story. However, Joyce is very intuitive and does not believe the claims made by them. Hopper thinks his friend is having a mental break down and relates to her as a parent who also lost a child. He gives Joyce the benefit of the doubt and digs deeper; questioning individuals who work at Hawkins Lab. To his surprise, he discovers that this strange occurrence goes beyond the disappearance of one boy. At the same time, Hopper is on the trail of another child who is on the run, Eleven. He goes to Joyce with his findings who reassures him that is not her son. Hopper infiltrates Hawkins Lab and travels to the Upside Down. He then realizes Joyce is not losing her mind and knows this facility is behind the disappearance of her son. Together they confront them and eventually they are granted access into this other dimension. Brenner is convinced they will not make it out alive yet Joyce and Hopper return with her son still breathing.
    In season 2, the dynamic of Hopper shifts to a parental figure. He suspected Eleven was on the run after fighting the Demogorgon so he leaves food and clothing for her. Then he is able to bring her into his remote cabin where she secretly resides. He teaches her words, buys her more Eggo waffles, and forbids her from talking to anyone. Surprisingly, the strange occurrences do not stop at Hawkins and his duties as chief of police kept him away from Eleven for long periods of time. He helps Joyce once again when her son starts having episodes and visions of the Upside Down. Hopper discovers the underground tunnels at Hawkins that lead directly to a portal into that dimension. He is momentarily trapped with no way to get out yet Joyce's son reveals his location. Together they are able to help Will overcome his connection to the Mind Flayer. Meanwhile, Hopper discovers that Eleven ran away to pay a visit to her mom. He is upset at first, then demonstrates understanding and love towards her. A noteworthy detail is that Eleven is seen wearing the same matching bracelet that his daughter Sara once wore. An undeniable symbol of his parental commitment to Eleven. He works hard to get her back to normalcy with a new identity and new beginning. 
    As Eleven continues to grow she gets into a serious relationship with Mike. Hopper is distressed about their displays of affection and sudden need for privacy. He goes to Joyce for advice who tells him to have a heart to heart conversation with the teens. To Hopper's dismay, Mike laughs, failing to see the seriousness in his words. Therefore, Hopper uses threats and fear to keep Mike away from Eleven. Being the only parental figure of this young female makes him very overprotective. Joyce seems like the ideal candidate for a life partner but she is often too preoccupied with her own duties as a mother to pick up on Hopper's feelings for her. Hopper tries to invite her to dinner at Enzo's and she fails to show up. This infuriates Hopper and causes him to demand an explanation. Joyce shows little interest in Hopper's antics since she believes Hawkins Lab is up to something once again. He takes her to the facility which looks abandoned. And they later discover it is now the Russians who are trying to weaponize the monsters within the Upside Down. The duo teams up once again and are joined by Murray, the reporter who fills in as a Russian interpreter, and Alexei, the Russian scientists. With guidance from the kids, Joyce, Hopper, and Murray infiltrate the Russian base located beneath Starcourt Mall. He halts the key opening the portal to the Upside Down and gets taken captive by the Russians. Everyone believes Hopper died, including Joyce. As a result, Eleven goes to live with Joyce in California.
    Joyce is a telemarketer working from home and Eleven has not fully healed from the seeming loss of her father. However, Hopper is not dead rather being held captive in a prison in Russia. He endures torture and tremendous pain, hanging on to the hope of seeing his loved ones again. Hopper asks a fellow inmate to break his feet and loses a lot of weight due to poor nutrition. One day, Joyce receives a package from Russia containing a ransom note for Hopper. Apparently, Hopper formed an alliance with a corrupt prison guard named Dmitri who decides to help him in exchange for money. The only downfall in their plan is that Dmitri decides to trust Yuri as his middleman. This individual betrays them all so he can keep the money for himself. For instance, when it seems like Hopper might defeat the odds and get away, he gets captured. Dmitri joins him in his cell without realizing what is in store. The guards hold a lavish feast for the inmates since they are about to send them as bait for the Demogorgon. Hopper foresees this so he steals a lighter, knowing that fire is the only way to defeat the beast. As Hopper prepares to go in for battle, Joyce and Murray arrive at the prison. They join together to defeat the monster and escape the prison once and for all. Before heading home, they need to find transportation and Yuri is their only chance. To make matters worse, the duo discovers the children are in danger at Hawkins. They sneak back into the prison to create a diversion in the Upside Down that will give the kids an advantage. Their reunion was highly anticipated and they finally reveal their feelings for each. A romance that takes roots in friendship and genuine care for one another. They quickly embrace and talk about the date they never got to enjoy together. Thanks to Dr. Owens they make their way back to Hawkins and reunite with the kids.             


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