Gentefied Season 1 Episodes 3 and 4 Explained

Gentefied: Season 1, Episode 3 "Bad Hombres"

 The episode initiates with a recollection of a young Chris and Abuelo warming up food in the microwave. Mama Fina immediately criticizes their methods, saying the microwave takes away the flavor. She also expresses discontent because it is evident Chris's father has not taken the time to show him how to cook, dismissing a beloved tradition in their family. Mama Fina also adds, "La comida verdadera es hecha con mucho amor." In other words, real food is made with lots of love, an idea that Chris takes to heart for years to come. Chris did not have much clarity about his culture while living in Idaho with his parents, but food and cooking are undeniably the center of his dreams. Therefore, this moment provides a glimpse into what drives this family into making food; honoring Mama Fina and her legacy. 

Next, the time sequence leaps to present day Chris sharing ideas with Abuelo on how to upgrade the restaurant. Abuelo is not immediately onboard since he still believes in his vision and is proud of his humble establishment. "Estoy cansado," I am tired, Abuelo confesses. According to Abuelo it has not been easy to create Mama Fina's, it seems like a ceaseless struggle to leave something behind for his grandchildren. Nevertheless, Erik questions the authenticity of Chris's creations, "Can't throw basura on a tortilla and call it a taco." Erik is convinced Chris is disconnected with his roots and his food is not truly Mexican, rather sees this as an opportunity to show off. After all, Chris was about to spend 20 thousand dollars on himself to go to cooking school in France. Fortunately, Ana arrives to deescalate the feud and forces them to fist pump and make up, commenting on their "toxic masculinity." Erik and Chris are standing outside the restaurant when Lidia passes by and casually greets Erik. As a peace offering, Chris suggests for Erik to take Lidia to the restaurant he works at called "Mangia" so he can impress her with high end dining. 

Then, Chris begins to swap recipes with Abuelo, a direct representation of  "change" challenging the "established" way of doing things. To Abuelo's surprise, he likes Chris's tacos, serving as commentary to the changes taking place in this community. Not all change is bad specially when the wise individuals within our culture can influence it. In this instance, Chris is the young innovative mind looking to find a place for Mama Fina's in a vast metropolis. Also, a parallel to the changes posed by gentrification. However, authenticity an tradition do not have to be eliminated. For instance, our elders can influence the integrity of tradition by bestowing knowledge on the descendants who will carry on the culture. The customs of the past do not have to be lost because the heritage and identity are passed down. It becomes unnecessary to search for an image of "what it means to be Hispanic" from an outsider because we are being reminded by a direct descendant. 

Nevertheless, Chris is at work and continues to be ridiculed by his fellow coworkers for not being "Mexican enough." This is a dilemma Chris has faced throughout his life. Is it language? Perhaps food or sense of self? Chris is conflicted by these comments and questions their validity by submitting himself to a series of tests to prove just how Mexican he truly is. Some of the questions are: naming 5 Mexican states and naming 3 "telenovelas" starring Thalia, which he confidently refers to as "The Holy Trinity of Marias," Marimar, Maria Mercedes, and Maria la del Barrio. Next, Chris is asked to show his dance moves, identify candy and luchador masks from El Mercadito, and scream like a real mariachi. Overall, Chris's performance is terrible and his coworkers rate his performance low, feeling more lost and ridiculed afterwards. Of course these tests do not mean a thing but Chris cannot deny his longing for acceptance within his family and circle of friends. 

Meanwhile, Erik and Lidia are dining at the restaurant Chris works at and Lidia does not have a clue. Erik has convinced her it is all his doing as he desperately tries to win Lidia over. They talk about their unborn baby and and their dreams of who he or she might be one day. Then, they discuss books as well as ideas, Erik open recommendations from Lidia that will make him a better partner. A clear bond between the two is their intellectual stimulation. Both possess beliefs that align with one another which accentuates a key dynamic to Erik's character. He is not just hood or street smart because he is extremely book savvy and diligently shares that aspect of his life with the youth of the community. Like Chris, he looks to be a part of the positive change taking place in Boyle Heights, one book at a time. However, right when Lidia is opening up to Erik, she abruptly discovers Chris works at the restaurant. Erik's face is overtaken with panic and his lie blows up in his face. His cousin is dramatically thrown out of the restaurant and the bill is handed to him.

Chris claims to be leaving the restaurant on his own terms and not because he is fired. He might have failed his previous "Mexican tests" miserably but he scored a perfect 10 when he decided to punch his boss after making racist remarks. First, Chef Austin assumes Erik is a delivery boy because of the way he looked. Next, he makes inappropriate comments towards Chris's coworkers about language barriers, crossing the line when he threatens to call I.C.E. to have all of Chris's coworkers deported. Without thinking Chris punches Chef Austin and calls out his bigotry, tremendously bothered by these tasteless remarks. Chris decides to use his privilege to defend those who are belittled getting dragged out of his work place. Unapologetically, Chris states he is from Boyle Heights and 100% Mexican, feeling absolutely deserving of that title. This moment is a crucial turning point for Chris since he is finally accepted by his peers as a result of his revolt. 

Gentefied: Season 1, Episode 4 "Unemployed AF"

Chris abruptly discovers he has been black listed from working in a kitchen because he punched Chef Austin. At one point he claimed to have job security with the promise of a bright future. Nevertheless, he is trying desperately to find a job at another kitchen to no avail. Chris feels lost without a purpose, unsure of what to do next. Abuelo becomes increasingly concerned about Chris and tells Erik they must intervene, calling Ana for additional help. Ana is vexed because she believes Chris has everything at his disposal to solve his problems. To make matters worse, Ana bailed on Yessika once again for Chris's unimportant dilemma. 

Moreover, Abuelo accepts Chris's check but he is concerned they might still get kicked out of the location. Abuelo keeps trying to get a hold of the landlord to pay the rent but is unable to do so. Ana scolds Erik for not talking to Yessika sooner about the problems the family had been having with Mama Fina's. Ana reassures Yessika is well connected with legal help and organizations that can protect Abuelo and Mama Fina’s. Initially, Erik has a hard time communicating with Yessika and admitting they need her help. Nevertheless, she gives him the information of a pro-bono attorney along with a list of books for him to read. Erik is sincerely thankful and Yessika responds, "To love Ana you gotta love her family." Yessika always has a reason for helping Ana, the role and importance of her family being self evident. 

Next, Ana is at a kid's party doing face painting just to make ends meet. She is stuck doing face art from Disney’s Frozen when in reality she wants to create life altering masterpieces. Tim overhears Ana’s dilemma and asks what other kinds of artwork she can do. Nayeli her little sister is present, getting territorial about her sister because Tim’s intentions do not seem quite clear. However, after being handed Ana's portfolio Tim is deeply impressed, hiring her for a party of his own. When Ana and Nayeli get home their mom is infuriated because she is convinced Ana is wasting her time. Ana got payed in leftovers and the party host shorted her of promised pay.  Ana’s mom is irate since Ana disappeared all day and has so little to show for her efforts, much like her. She packed all of Ana’s belongings and scolds her for not helping her with the one job putting food on the table. For Ana, the opportunity with Tim becomes a big game changer in her career and economically to better assist her family.

On the other hand, Abuelo goes to see Lupe because he needs some "hierbas" for Chris. When he arrives at Lupe’s business, he is surprised by all the changes he sees; her establishment looks high end and the prices of her products have significantly risen. Abuelo is deeply inspired by her success and asks her how she manages to keep up with the competition. Lupe reveals, "No one likes change, but if you align with it, change can be good." She also confesses it is not about just surviving but thriving, not just being content with what the present holds. The future holds a key to success and Abuelo knows he must find it. Abuelo is certain Chris can help him with much needed changes in Mama Fina's. Abuelo believes in his vision and wants Chris as a partner in business. Once again, Chris is troubled by this proposal and wants Erik's approval first. He does not want to betray Erik’s trust or make him feel disenfranchised although Abuelo insists Erik's opinion is irrelevant. Chris wastes no time and starts implementing changes upon his arrival to Mama Fina's. For instance, Norma, a fellow employee at Mama Fina’s, tells Chris they must throw food away because it is going bad. He discovers they are not selling as much food so unused product is being wasted monthly. Therefore, Chris decides to make "Pop Pies" to salvage the product and make some profit. Erik criticizes Chris’s creativity; convinced loyalty will bring more customers, and claiming to have better ideas of his own. 

In an effort to save the restaurant, Erik goes to the library to check out the books Yessika recommended. He is ready to arm himself with knowledge and put up a fight against the greedy landlord looking to displace them. As Erik waits in line he sees a boy holding his own stack of books to check out. Unfortunately, the boy is unable to check out his books since his mom was missing some of the required documentation to obtain a library card. Erik overhears this and decides to add the books to his own pile on behalf of the boy. Also, Erik invites him to Mama Fina's for some tacos and a book discussion once he finishes reading his stack. To everyone’s surprise, the boy shows up at Mama Fina’s and Erik gives him tacos and some new books to read. This scene serves as a glimpse into Erik's sense of duty towards his community and influence over young minds. He is concerned with being a good father to his unborn child but he is already embodying qualities of a great father towards kids that are not his own. Erik is also a deep intellectual who knows what it is like to grow up in Boyle Heights and takes it upon himself to be a positive role model. Synchronicity between Erik’s inviting nature and Chris’s innovation is the much needed ingredient for Mama Fina’s success. But will this duo reach an understanding for the sake of their beloved establishment?

Furthermore, Chris sees Lidia sitting with Alex at a table in the park. Lidia introduces him as a fellow employee from ELAC who is helping her with a job application to Stanford. Immediately, Chris gets defensive about his cousin assuming Lidia is romantically interested in Alex. However, Lidia quickly clarifies and tells Chris she is thinking about her unborn child's future. She also indicates Erik has a lot of growing up to do and she cannot compromise the well being of her baby. Chris apologizes incessantly, feeling responsible for the mishaps that took place at Mangia. Lidia insists it is much more than just that one instance. At this time, Erik has no idea about Lidia's plans.  

Ana has a gig with Tim at one of his parties and decides to invite Chris. The ambient of the party is like a wild and carefree rave. Tim tells her he is going to pay her immediately because he dropped acid and does not want to forget later. Most importantly, Tim pays Ana more than she has ever made through her art at any other gig. This moment marks a success in Ana’s artistic career since she finally has someone taking her skills seriously. Tim also a part of the LGBTQIA community and yearns to showcase Ana as the masterpiece amongst his endeavors. Meanwhile, Chris makes out with a girl who had an acid tab in her mouth. As a result, he ends up naked having a really intense drug trip. Ana arrives at Yessika’s place afterwards feeling completely starstruck. She is telling Yessika about her exciting night but Yessika is much too exhausted to lend an ear. 

There was also a major positive leap for Erik and his relationship with Lidia. After texting each other throughout the day, Lidia goes to Mama Fina's to see Erik after hours. They become intimate and Lidia clearly gives herself to Erik, placing her trust and faith on him. We begin to see the seriousness of their relationship truly unravel. Lidia engages Erik on her own terms expressing deep romantic interest. Erik does not want to disappoint her but finally feels like he is doing something right. Lidia’s guard is coming down and she is allowing herself to be vulnerable. 

The next day. Erik and Chris are having cereal while they each think about the night before. Chris has make up and glitter remnants on his face. Both sit together without judgement or unnecessary words, still processing the night before. 


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